Antimicrobial stewardship leads from inpatient point prevalence surveillance of a tertiary-level care hospital

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Shabaz Mohiuddin Gulam
Dixon Thomas
Fiaz Ahamed
Danial E. Baker


Antimicrobial Stewardship, United Arab Emirates , Pilot study, Tertiary-level Care


Background: To explore the scope of antimicrobial stewardship activities based on the point prevalence study of antimicrobials among hospitalized patients in a tertiary-level care hospital in the UAE. Methods: A single-center cross-sectional prevalence study was conducted among inpatients admitted to a tertiary care hospital using the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption tool in February 2023. Antimicrobials used against bacteria only were surveyed. All patients admitted to the selected departments at 8 AM on the day of the survey were included. Data were described in numbers and percentages. Results: Among 136 patients admitted at the time of the study, 87 received antimicrobials, representing a prevalence of 64%. A total of 144 antimicrobial prescriptions were prescribed in 87 patients. The majority of the antimicrobials were administered parenterally (n=122, 84.7%), and over 60% (n=53) of the patients on antimicrobials received two antimicrobials. The majority of antimicrobials used for therapy were empiric in nature (n=68, 89.5%). Over half of the patients receiving antimicrobials for surgical prophylaxis were prescribed antimicrobials for two or more days. More than 60% of the antimicrobial orders were adherent to the hospital guidelines. Conclusion: The point prevalence of the use of antimicrobials is high, which highlights the need for more efficient and targeted stewardship efforts in improving adherence with the hospital guidelines. Wide usage of broad-spectrum antimicrobials is observed.

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