Characteristics of Thyrotoxicosis Among Thyroid Patients and their Quality of life in a Teaching Hospital in Jordan: A Crosssectional Study
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Thyrotoxicosis;, Quality of life;, Adherence, Thyroid medications
Aim: This study aimed to describe the general characteristics of thyrotoxicosis patients, evaluate their quality of life and adherence to medications as an outpatient at endocrine clinic in Jordan. Method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The eligible participants, who were patients from endocrine outpatient clinics at JUH were recruited. The inclusion criteria limited the study to patients aged 18 years and older who were newly diagnosed with or had a past diagnosis of hyperthyroidism disease for any cause. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 24.0 (SPSS® Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Result: Most participants were females (81.3%) and married (87.9%). The majority were educated and had a bachelor’s degree or higher (41.8%). The average reading for T3 was 6.80±8.26 pmol/l, T4 16.87±7.98 pmol/l, TSH 3.49±11.51 Mu/L, Anti thyroglobulin 2.37±1.73, and Anti thyroglobulin peroxidase 4.80±1.13. There were no significant findings in assessing the effect of treatment types on lab tests (p-value >0.05). The majority of thyrotoxicosis cases were caused by Graves’ disease (64.7%), followed by 17.60% from benign multinodular goiter, 11.80% thyroiditis and 5.90% toxic adenoma. There was no significant correlation (p>0.05) between the type of treatments and the following health related quality of life (HRQOL) sub-domains: generally unwell, social problem, muscular skeletal problems, eye problem, classical symptoms of hyperthyroidism(CSH) hand tremor, CSH palpitation, decreased appetite and constipation. Conclusion: Thyrotoxicosis is understudied in the Middle East, particularly Jordan. The main findings revealed that thyrotoxicosis is more prominent in females, mainly in their 4th decade. Future work should focus on the main possible methods to improve the HRQOL. In addition, awareness programs are required to encourage patients to obey the advice of their physician and increase their self-care towards improving the quality of their life.
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