Original Research

Medication adherence and glycemic control in patients with psychotic disorders in the Veterans Affairs healthcare system

Leigh A. Nelson, Maqual R. Graham, Cameron C. Lindsey, Rafia S. Rasu
Abstract 3256 | PDF Downloads 553

Page 57-65

Pharmacist attire and its impact on patient preference

Erika Cretton-Scott, Leah Johnson, Sean R. King
Abstract 1176 | PDF Downloads 821

Page 66-71

Medication adherence among ambulatory patients with type 2 diabetes in a tertiary healthcare setting in southwestern Nigeria

Rasaq Adisa, Titilayo O. Fakeye, Adesoji Fasanmade
Abstract 2109 | PDF Downloads 1005

Page 72-81

Index of Learning Styles in a U.S. School of Pharmacy

Colleen J. Teevan, Michael Li, Lauren S. Schlesselman
Abstract 1073 | PDF Downloads 894

Page 82-87

Detecting pre-diabetes and the role of the pharmacist

Steven Simoens, Sandra De Coster, Jan Lenie, Veronique Hayen, Gert Laekeman
Abstract 1106 | PDF Downloads 738

Page 88-92

Qualification, knowledge and experience of dispensers working at community pharmacies in Pakistan

Azhar Hussain, Mohamed I. Ibrahim
Abstract 1298 | PDF Downloads 672

Page 93-100

A pre- post-evaluation of implementing an inpatient warfarin monitoring and education program

Edward P. Armstrong, Lucy Chemodurow, Shanna Christensen, E. Suzanne Johnson
Abstract 1406 | PDF Downloads 803

Page 101-105

Pharmacy intervention on antimicrobial management of critically ill patients

Immanuel Ijo, Jeffrey Feyerharm
Abstract 3501 | PDF Downloads 784

Page 106-109

The impact of pharmaceutical care on patients with hypertension and their pharmacists

Agnieszka Skowron, Sebastian Polak, Jerzy Brandys
Abstract 4328 | PDF Downloads 734

Page 110-115