Original Research
Medication adherence and glycemic control in patients with psychotic disorders in the Veterans Affairs healthcare system
Abstract 3256 | PDF Downloads 553Page 57-65
Pharmacist attire and its impact on patient preference
Abstract 1176 | PDF Downloads 821Page 66-71
Medication adherence among ambulatory patients with type 2 diabetes in a tertiary healthcare setting in southwestern Nigeria
Abstract 2109 | PDF Downloads 1005Page 72-81
Index of Learning Styles in a U.S. School of Pharmacy
Abstract 1073 | PDF Downloads 894Page 82-87
Detecting pre-diabetes and the role of the pharmacist
Abstract 1106 | PDF Downloads 738Page 88-92
Qualification, knowledge and experience of dispensers working at community pharmacies in Pakistan
Abstract 1298 | PDF Downloads 672Page 93-100
A pre- post-evaluation of implementing an inpatient warfarin monitoring and education program
Abstract 1406 | PDF Downloads 803Page 101-105
Pharmacy intervention on antimicrobial management of critically ill patients
Abstract 3501 | PDF Downloads 784Page 106-109
The impact of pharmaceutical care on patients with hypertension and their pharmacists
Abstract 4328 | PDF Downloads 734Page 110-115