
A transition from the BPharm to the PharmD degree in five selected countries

Teeraporn Supapaan, Bee Y. Low, Payom Wongpoowarak, Summana Moolasarn, Claire Anderson
Abstract 5171 | pdf Downloads 1471

Page 1611

Original Research

Role of community pharmacists in skin cancer screening: A descriptive study of skin cancer risk factors prevalence and photoprotection habits in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Joan F. Mir, Maria Estrada-Campmany, Anna Heredia, Cristina Rodríguez-Caba, Marta Alcalde, Natalia Espinosa, Jilliana Monnier, Javiera Pérez-Anker, Oriol Yélamos, Susana Puig, Núria Bosch, Josep Malvehy
Abstract 2867 | pdf Downloads 700 online appendix Downloads 94

Page 1455

Biosimilars and implications for pharmacy practice: Ready or not, here they come!

Joshua P. Crawford, Andrea L. Hobbs
Abstract 5098 | pdf Downloads 651

Page 1659

The Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan: a cross sectional pharmacist-led study assessing post-traumatic stress disorder

Iman A. Basheti, Shahnaz M. Ayasrah, Mariam M. Basheti, Judeh Mahfuz, Betty Chaar
Abstract 1763 | pdf Downloads 558 online appendix Downloads 76

Page 1475

Agreement between units of measure for paediatric antibiotic utilisation surveillance using hospital pharmacy supply data

Mona Mostaghim, Tom Snelling, Beata Bajorek
Abstract 883 | pdf Downloads 408 online appendix Downloads 95

Page 1482

Potentially inappropriate medications among the elderly in primary care in Thailand from three different sets of criteria

Pasitpon Vatcharavongvan, Viwat Puttawanchai
Abstract 1085 | pdf Downloads 657

Page 1494

Evaluation of vitamin B12 monitoring in patients on metformin in urban ambulatory care settings

Stacy L. Longo, Jessica M. Ryan, Kelsey B. Sheehan, Debra J. Reid, Michael P. Conley, Carla J. Bouwmeester
Abstract 4309 | pdf Downloads 602

Page 1499

Effectiveness of a pharmacist-led quality improvement program to reduce medication errors during hospital discharge

Doris George, Nirmala D. Supramaniam, Siti Q. Abd Hamid, Mohamed A. Hassali, Wei-Yin Lim, Amar-Singh HSS
Abstract 4930 | pdf Downloads 1044 online appendix Downloads 116

Page 1501

Resident physicians’ perceptions of ambulatory care pharmacy

Ashley Meredith, Darin Ramsey, Andrew Schmelz, Rachel Berglund
Abstract 3897 | pdf Downloads 454

Page 1509

Assessment of pharmacists’ knowledge, attitude and practice in chain community pharmacies towards their current function and performance in Indonesia

Umi Athiyah, Catur D. Setiawan, Gesnita Nugraheni, Elida Zairina, Wahyu Utami, Andi Hermansyah
Abstract 2057 | pdf Downloads 821

Page 1518

Evaluation of aminoglycosides utilization in intensive care units of a teaching hospital in southern Iran

Afsaneh Vazin, Mahtabalsadat Mirjalili, Sarah Asadi
Abstract 2363 | pdf Downloads 492

Page 1523

A descriptive study of antithrombotic medication patterns in adult patients with recent venous thromboembolism

Fady Allahwerdy, Steven Pan, Michael Feehan, Aubrey E. Jones, Mark A. Munger, Daniel M. Witt
Abstract 772 | pdf Downloads 418

Page 1539

Culture of antibiotic use in Kosovo - an interview study with patients and health professionals

Arianit Jakupi, Denis Raka, Susanne Kaae, Sofia K. Sporrong
Abstract 1140 | pdf Downloads 554 online appendix Downloads 177

Page 1540

Mandatory continuing education for pharmacists in a developing country: assessment of a three-year cycle

Hala Sacre, Samah Tawil, Souheil Hallit, Georges Sili, Pascale Salameh
Abstract 1416 | pdf Downloads 457

Page 1545

Impact of select risk factors on treatment outcome in adults with candidemia

Brandon Hill, Richard H. Drew, Dustin Wilson
Abstract 622 | pdf Downloads 319

Page 1561

Evaluation of an interprofessional naloxone didactic and skills session with medical residents and physician assistant learners

Daniel Hargraves, Christopher C. White, Marcia R. Mauger, Aruna Puthota, Harini Pallerla, Patricia Wigle, Sarah L. Brubaker, Jeffrey D. Schlaudecker
Abstract 2166 | pdf Downloads 481 online appendix Downloads 90

Page 1591