Network meta-analysis: a technique to gather evidence from direct and indirect comparisons
Abstract 4889 | PDF Downloads 3087Page 943
Original Research
Public knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding antibiotic use in Kosovo
Abstract 5322 | PDF Downloads 1509Page 827
Assessment and use of drug information references in Utah pharmacies
Abstract 1510 | PDF Downloads 917Page 839
Impact of value added services on patient waiting time at the ambulatory pharmacy Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Abstract 4664 | PDF Downloads 1633Page 846
Situation analysis of community pharmacy owners in Lebanon
Abstract 2776 | PDF Downloads 1085Page 853
Medication reconciliation errors in a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia: admission discrepancies and risk factors
Abstract 4622 | PDF Downloads 1391Page 864
Management of musculoskeletal pain in retail drug outlets within a Nigerian community: a descriptive study
Abstract 1673 | PDF Downloads 1228Page 873
Olanzapine for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: systematic review and meta-analysis
Abstract 2001 | PDF Downloads 1424 online appendix Downloads 674Page 877
Hospital and community pharmacists’ perception of the scope, barriers and challenges of pharmacy practice-based research in Nigeria
Abstract 2098 | PDF Downloads 1762Page 881
Psychometric properties of the Belief about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) in the Maltese language
Abstract 1953 | PDF Downloads 1401Page 886
Self-reported and actual involvement of community pharmacists in patient counseling: a cross-sectional and simulated patient study in Gondar, Ethiopia
Abstract 2147 | PDF Downloads 1387 online appendix Downloads 736Page 890
Consumer views on safety of over-the-counter drugs, preferred retailers and information sources in Sweden: after re-regulation of the pharmacy market
Abstract 2008 | PDF Downloads 1154Page 894
Relationship between pharmacy residency examination rank and specialty choice for French pharmacy residency-admitted students
Abstract 3942 | PDF Downloads 1116Page 912