
Women’s involvement in clinical trials: historical perspective and future implications

Natalie A. DiPietro Mager, Katherine A. Liu
Abstract 8333 | PDF Downloads 3979

Original Research

Associations between patient factors and medication adherence: A Jordanian experience

Iman A. Basheti, Sami Saqf el Hait, Eyad A. Qunaibi, Salah Aburuz, Nailya Bulatova
Abstract 2532 | PDF Downloads 1497 online appendix Downloads 763

Determinants of self-medication with NSAIDs in a Portuguese community pharmacy

Ana P. Nunes, Isabel M. Costa, Filipa A. Costa
Abstract 2548 | PDF Downloads 1452

Predominant learning styles among pharmacy students at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Alexandra I. Czepula, Wallace E. Bottacin, Edson Hipólito Jr., Deise R. Baptista, Roberto Pontarolo, Cassyano J. Correr
Abstract 2763 | PDF Downloads 1427 online appendix Downloads 789

Medication reconciliation at patient admission: a randomized controlled trial

Antonio E. Mendes, Natália F. Lombardi, Vânia M. Andrzejevski, Gibran Frandoloso, Cassyano J. Correr, Maurício Carvalho
Abstract 1975 | PDF Downloads 1462 Appendices - Medication Reconciliation at Patient Admission Downloads 296 Certificate of English Editing Downloads 568

Reliability assessment of a peer evaluation instrument in a team-based learning course

Joy Wahawisan, Miguel Salazar, Robin Walters, Fadi M. Alkhateeb, Omar F. Attarabeen
Abstract 1510 | PDF Downloads 1130 online appendix Downloads 785

Inclusion of salt form on prescription medication labeling as a source of patient confusion: a pilot study

Dana J. McDougall, James D. Hoehns, Tara T. Feller, Savana J. Kriener, Matthew J. Witry
Abstract 1858 | PDF Downloads 1143 online appendix Downloads 778

Inter-professional education unveiling significant association between asthma knowledge and inhaler technique

Iman A. Basheti, Salim A. Hamadi, Helen K. Reddel
Abstract 2208 | PDF Downloads 1462 online appendix Downloads 752

Pharmacy students’ knowledge and attitudes about antibiotics in Kosovo

Albina Fejza, Zeqir Kryeziu, Kushtrim Kadrija, Malbora Musa
Abstract 5853 | PDF Downloads 1231