
An overview of upcoming changes in pregnancy and lactation labeling information

Juan F. Mosley II, Lillian L. Smith, Megan D. Dezan
Abstract 2594 | PDF Downloads 1293

Page 605

Original Research

Perception of community pharmacists towards the barriers to enhanced pharmacy services in the healthcare system of Dubai: a quantitative approach

Ibrahim K. Rayes, Mohamed A. Hassali, Abduelmula R. Abduelkarem
Abstract 3963 | PDF Downloads 1445

Page 506

Burden and associated pathologies in family caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease patients in Spain

Natalia Vérez Cotelo, N. Floro Andrés Rodríguez, José A. Fornos Pérez, José C. Andrés Iglesias, Marcos Ríos Lago
Abstract 2094 | PDF Downloads 1284 online appendix Downloads 673

Page 521

Prescription drug monitoring program utilization in Kentucky community pharmacies

Sarah E. Wixson, Karen Blumenschein, Amie J. Goodin, Jeffery Talbert, Patricia R. Freeman
Abstract 2980 | PDF Downloads 1236 KASPER Survey Downloads 119

Page 540

An exploratory study of the patient experience of pharmacist supplementary prescribing in a secondary care mental health setting

Rhian Deslandes, Dai N. John, Paul N. Deslandes
Abstract 4938 | PDF Downloads 1354

Page 553

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with chronic myelogeneous leukemia: defining the role of social risk factors and non-adherence to treatment

Lucas M. Okumura, Valquíria D. Antunes, Karina Aguiar, Tatiane Farias, Vania M. Andrzejevski, Vaneuza M. Funke
Abstract 1907 | PDF Downloads 1067

Page 559

Pattern of drug therapy problems and interventions in ambulatory patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Nigeria.

Bazim V. Ojeh, Nasir Naima, Isaac O. Abah, Kakjing D. Falang, Ogwuche Lucy, Ibrahim London, Christiana Dady, Patricia Agaba, Oche Agbaji
Abstract 3054 | PDF Downloads 1296

Page 566

A pharmacist-led follow-up program for patients with established coronary heart disease in North Norway – a randomized controlled trial

Beate H. Garcia, Trude Giverhaug, June U. Høgli, Frode Skjold, Lars Småbrekke
Abstract 5412 | PDF Downloads 1270

Page 575