Prescription of psychoactive drugs in patients attended by the SUS at Manhuaçu - MG (Brazil)
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Objectives: In this study we present the development of a database of psychoactive drugs dispensed to patients attended by the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS) in the city of Manhuaçu, Minas Gerais and the pattern of drug prescription in this city.
Methods: 827 patients under psychoactive treatment and attended by SUS were surveyed and information such as gender, degree of education, age, marital status were collected. The collected data were analyzed in order to outline patients' profile and the dispensing and information was used to the access the pattern of psychoactive drug use in the city.
Results: Women accounted for 67.2% of the population and age seemed to influence positively the use of psychoactive drugs. Benzodiazepines and antidepressants were among the most prescribed drugs especially after 20 years of age, while in the younger population the antipsychotics and antiepileptics were the mainly prescribed drugs. Antiepileptics/mood stabilizers seemed to be prescribed mainly to single men and women.
Conclusion: Personal data concerning gender, age and marital status are related with psychoactive drug dispensing. The collected data will serve as a support for the performance of pharmacists responsible for dispensing psychoactive drugs in the municipality.
Keywords: Psychotropic Drugs. Drug Utilization. Age Factors. Brazil.
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