The Role of Clinical Pharmacist in Monitoring Drug Therapy in the Cardiovascular and Coronary Care Units in Libya

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Asmaa S.H. Alhomri
Ahmed . A. Battah
Ahmed A. Elberry
Eman K.A. Abdelall
Raghda Hussein


monitoring drugs, cardiovascular diseases, coronary care units, ccu patients, role of clinical pharmacist


Background: In hospitals, medication errors are common and potentially harmful resulting in unintentional discrepancies. The study’s central goal is to assess the clinical pharmacy services’ role in cardiovascular disease inpatients. Methods: The current study was a prospective study conducted on one hundred patients admitted to the CVU and CCU in Libya. The patients were classified - into two main groups (I - and II), where the guidelines of clinical pharmacy - were applied only in Group II. Each group is subdivided - into three subgroups with equal numbers of patients. As follows: (Gp a: ten outpatients, Gp b: twenty-five inpatients, Gp c: fifteen patients admitted to CCU. Results: By using clinical pharmacy guidelines, the patients in group I were 28 (56%) had angina pectoris, 28 (56%) responded to treatment, 20 (40%) had complications, and 8 (16%) died; while the patients in group II were 15 (30%) had angina pectoris, 43 (86%) respond to treatment, 7 (14%) had complications and 1 (2%) died. So, the results reported a dramatic decrease in the morbidity rates in all groups that undergo guidelines of clinical pharmacy. Conclusion: The application of clinical aspects of clinical pharmacy is outstanding in CVU and CCU in Libya.

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