Survival rates analysis on chemotherapy regimens of patient withcolorectal cancer (A study at division of hematology and medicaloncology Universitas Airlangga teaching hospital)
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survival, colorectal cancer, chemotherapy, folfox, folfiri
Background: The 5-year survival rate for patients with colorectal cancer decreases in the presence of metastases. Standard therapy for colorectal cancer includes FOLFOX (5- fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin) and FOLFIRI (5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan) which aims to prolong survival. Objective: To analyze the survival rate and hazard ratio (HR) of colorectal cancer patients treated at Universitas Airlangga Teaching Hospital Surabaya with the FOLFOX and FOLFIRI chemotherapy regimens. Method: A retrospective cohort approach was used in this study of 39 colorectal cancer patients over the age of 18 who had FOLFOX and FOLFIRI treatment between 2018 and 2022. Results: This study involved 27 colorectal cancer patients who got FOLFOX therapy and 12 patients who received FOLFIRI therapy. FOLFOX had a two-year survival rate of 51.9% with a mean time of 18.2 2.01 months, while FOLFIRI had a two-year survival rate of 58.3% with a mean time of 18.8 1.51 months (p > 0.05), according to Kaplan- Meier analysis. Patients who had incomplete FOLFOX regimens (<12 cycles) had a 3.8-fold higher probability of mortality than those who received a complete regimen (12 cycles) (HR 3.883; 95% CI 1.195-12.169). Conclusion: Patients who take FOLFOX have a lower risk of adverse effects than those who take FOLFIRI, which may influence clinician preferences. The FOLFOX regimen is recommended for colorectal cancer treatment, especially in early and advanced stages, due to potential adverse effects.
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