Community pharmacists’ attitudes and knowledge on dispensing drugs to pregnant women

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Josiane P. Baldon
Cassyano J. Correr
Ana C. Melchiors
Paula Rossignoli
Fernando Fernandez-Llimos
Roberto Pontarolo



The present study aimed to assess knowledge and attitudes of the pharmacists on dispensing drugs to pregnant women.

Methods: Cross-sectional study in 150 community pharmacies randomly selected in Curitiba (Brazil). A closed end questionnaire with 25 questions were used, including dispensing scenarios containing risk types A, B, D or X and questions on pharmacist interaction with pregnant women, physicians, and information sources availability.

Results: Pharmacists performed appropriately in 53% of the encounters. Lower success were associated to prednison and captopril (24.8% in both), end cases producing more doubts were captopril (31.7%) and simvastatin (30.7%). Most of the pharmacists state have advised drugs to pregnant women or contact to the physician to discuss about a prescription related with this issue. A Majority (64.4%) did not feel able to understand FDA risk classification and did not have trustable information sources in pharmacy.

Conclusions: Pharmacists dispensing drugs in Curitiba are not able to interpret information on the use of drugs in pregnant women, and they don have reliable information sources on the use of dugs in pregnancy. However, they advice and counsel drugs to pregnant women and discuss with physicians therapeutic strategies.

Abstract 3390 |


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