Clinical interventions of community pharmacies for diarrhea management: Evidences from developing countries

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Mohammed Kanan
Arwa Alqhatani
Wajan Khalid
Salwa Alzuhairy
Sara Almohammadi
Nawaf M. Alotaibi
Majed Alsubaie
Raneem Baaqeel
Faisal Alshammari
Kholoud Alshammari
Haifa S. Albalawi
Abeer M. Albalawi
Zainab A. Alrashid
Maha Aloudah
Abdullah Alzayed
Nawaf M. Alotaibi


developing countries, community pharmacies, diarrhea management, systematic review


Diarrhea is a significant health concern in developing countries, particularly among children under the age of five. Community pharmacies (CPs) play a vital role in managing diarrhea by providing guidance and referrals. This study, conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines, aimed to assess the impact of CPs on diarrhea management. The research involved comprehensive database searches, with a specific focus on studies conducted in resource-limited settings. The analysis highlighted the active involvement of community pharmacists in collecting patient information and offering counseling, showcasing their commitment to delivering comprehensive care. While CPs hold a significant position in diarrhea management and extend beyond medication dispensing, the study identified crucial gaps. Notably, the absence of standardized protocols for diarrhea management led to inconsistent practices among pharmacists. Furthermore, economic assessments pertaining to CPs intervention were notably lacking. The study underscores the urgent need for further research to evaluate both the clinical and economic outcomes of CPs involvement in diarrhea management. Additionally, the establishment of standardized protocols is emphasized to ensure consistent and impactful care delivery within the community pharmacy setting. In conclusion, CPs hold immense potential in addressing diarrhea in developing countries, but the study underscores the necessity of systematic approaches to fully harness their benefits and optimize care delivery.

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