Approach to the role of the pharmacist in health related quality of life

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Edith Tafur Valderrama
Emilio Garcia Jimenez


Health related quality of life, Pharmacotherapy follow-up, Pharmaceutical care


To improve health related quality of life (HRQoL) is a main objective of pharmaceutical care. The aim of the present study was to identify the knowledge, attitude and performance of community pharmacists on the assessment and the use of HRQoL tools.

The study was an observational based on an emailed survey during March to May 2005. A questionnaire focused on quality of life and pharmacy practice was sent to the pharmacists included in Pharmaceutical Care Center (CAF-STADA), a total of 1601. Literature on HRQoL and pharmacy practice and specifically MOS SF-36was sent to the pharmacists surveyed: then, a link to a webpage containing a validated questionnaire to gather their opinions.

Results showed that, although pharmacists are not much aware HRQoL, they are show a very positive attitude to use tools for evaluate patients’ HRQoL. They recognize their need for supplementary education and training. Additionally, pharmacists state to be subjectively assessing HRQoL in their patients, without documenting it.

These results demonstrate the potential role of the pharmacist in assessing HRQoL. This assessment could be included in pharmacotherapy follow-up, in order to assess the outcomes on quality of life, as stated in original definition of pharmaceutical care.

Abstract 1231 |


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