Development of an Automated System for Managing the Movement of Pharmaceutical Products in Pharmacies
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information technologies, information products, marketing research, sociological research, automation of operations, salesforce
Background: In the contemporary context, a factor in the successful development of pharmaceutical organizations is the active use of information and communication tools both for work with customers and suppliers, and in the internal processes of economic activity. On the one hand, the introduction of IT technology allows us to ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the other hand, it opens up great opportunities for improving the level of service for pharmacy visitors, contributes to the formation of greater loyalty to a particular pharmacy organization and, therefore, makes it more competitive and cost-effective. Aim: development of an automated control system for the movement of pharmaceutical products in pharmacies. Materials And Methods: we used basic research, including an analysis of the external and internal information system of a pharmacy organization (ISPO); informatization processes in the pharmaceutical market, pharmacy resources; scientific approaches to the study - systemic, logical-structural, process, marketing, regional. The objects of the study were pharmacy organizations, pharmaceutical workers in pharmacies, and software products. Results and Discussion: To conduct the study, a design was developed that includes a research program to improve the information and communication activities of retail pharmaceutical organizations. Following the program, the authors developed a questionnaire survey to study the informational needs of pharmacy workers. Based on the results of the research, the main directions for the use of information technologies in pharmacy were determined. The authors compiled a portrait of an IT user and identified the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of using IT in pharmacies. Based on the Salesforce program, a modified system for controlling the movement of pharmaceutical products in pharmacies has been created.
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