Empowerment interventions for pharmacies to comply with the Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) in Thailand

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Piyanuch Punturungsee https://orcid.org/0009-0009-0203-5534
Chanuttha Ploylearmsang https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8158-0312


Empowerment, Pharmacy Licensee, Good Pharmacy Practice, Quality cycle, Compliance


Good Pharmacy Practices (GPP) is to provide people with quality pharmacy services as well as to promote drug use safety. Objectives: To find out the effect of the process of empowering modern pharmacies to meet the GPP standards and to investigate the problems and obstacles that affect the pharmacy licensees in complying with the GPP. Methods: An action research using the Deming Cycle (PDCA) to design a process, in collaboration with relevant parties, to promote GPP compliance. The process consisted of a group intervention and an individual intervention designed to be consistent with the SOAP assessment. The action plan was implemented over a 9-month period. The GPP outcomes were assessed. Samples were 32 pharmacy licensees in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, which have not yet passed the GPP assessment. They were randomly selected by the stratified sampling method. Results: After participating in the empowerment process, there were 62.50% or 20 pharmacies passed the GPP assessment in all categories. The average GPP compliance score had statistically significantly higher than before the process (p<0.001). For the satisfaction of the participants, the overall score was at the highest level. Conclusion: The process of empowering modern pharmacies to meet GPP standards showed a positive effect. The rate of pharmacies that passed the GPP criteria also increased. In addition, the participants in the process were highly satisfied. Therefore, the PDCA cycle should be used in pharmacy development. Meanwhile, GPP self-assessment is a tool to help pharmacy licensees in systematic problem resolution.

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