Identification of Drug-Related Problems (DRPS) of drugs with special dosage forms in geriatric patients (study at the outpatient pharmacy unit, Airlangga University Hospital, Surabaya)

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Yulistiani Yulistiani
Febriansyah Nur Utomo
Cahyo Wibisono Nugroho
Muga Wiji Rahayu


Drugs with special dosage forms, Geriatrics, Drug-related problems, Prospective studies, Statistical analysis


Background: Geriatric syndrome is a condition of decreased organ function that causes DRPs, especially drugs with special dosage forms, such as an inhaler, insulin pens, and modified release drugs. Objective: To identify DRPs of drugs with special dosage forms in geriatric patients at the Outpatient Pharmacy Unit of RSUA Surabaya. Methods: It was an observational and prospective study with the interview method. Each problem identified was given a score to be analyzed descriptively and statistically. Data collection was carried out from April to June 2022. Results: The sample is 82 special dosage forms, there are drug delivery devices including inhaler (26%) and insulin pen (29%), and drug delivery systems including OROS (33%), retard (6%), and sustained-release (6%). DRPs were found in 40% of them. In inhaler form, the DRPs of DPI are failure to load the dose, shaking after the dose was loaded, and not checking the remaining dose after using the device. While in MDI, no DRPs were found. The DRPs of insulin pens are errors in device storage (25%), injection position (8%), and repeated use of blunt/broken needles (38%). While in modified release drugs is an error in drug storage (5%). The percentages of nonadherence are Turbuhaler 33%, Breezhaler 60%, Diskus 25%, MDI 0%, insulin pen 29%, and modified release drugs 24%. The solution is given by using verbal education such as leaflets. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the insulin pen and the modified release drug, while there was no significant difference in the inhaler. Conclusion: Each type of drug with a special dosage form has its problems and problem-solving in the form of interventions has not given maximum results. 

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