Low back pain management attitudes and pharmacy practice: the impact of community pharmacists’ characteristics.

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Ammar Abdulrahman Jairoun https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4471-0878
Sabaa Saleh Al-Hemyari https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0795-3408
Moyad Shahwan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8367-4841
Eman Abu-Gharbieh https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5972-0681
Sa’ed H. Zyoud https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7369-2058
Ammar Ali Saleh Jaber https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0411-1923
Maimona Jairoun https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9828-8596


Low back pain, Knowledge, Attitude, Community pharmacy, Beliefs


Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most frequent diseases for which patients seek advice in a community pharmacy. There is evidence to suggest that LBP-related negative beliefs are associated with increased levels of pain and impairment. Objective: This study evaluated the attitudes, beliefs, and practices of community pharmacists who advise patients with acute or chronic LBP. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted among licensed community pharmacists, which were selected randomly in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and the Northern Emirates. The survey took place via a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews. The questionnaire covered questions on demographics and the participants’ attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding LBP management. Multivariate logistic regression was employed to identify the factors influencing respondents’ practices in relation to LBS therapy, while multivariate linear regression was used to identify the factors influencing respondents’ attitudes toward LBP management. Results: A total of 867 participants enrolled in the study. 63% were female, 53.9% of the surveyed pharmacies were independent pharmacies, 68.9% had more than ten years of experience, 55.7% graduated from regional/international universities, 84.5% were Bachelor’s degree holders, and 63.5% were Pharmacists in charge. Bivariate analysis showed that chain pharmacies (P <0.001), having more than ten years of experience (P< 0.001), graduated from regional/international universities (P < 0.001), and pharmacists in charge (P <0.001) were more likely to score higher in attitude and practice towards the management of LBP. Conclusion: Community pharmacists in the UAE have a positive attitude and practice when it comes to managing lower back pain. Community pharmacists’ recommendations for low back pain care in the UAE largely coincide with clinical practice for low back pain

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