Translation, cultural adaptation, and psychometric validation of the Persian hypertension self-management questionnaire in South Sumatera, Indonesia
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Indonesia, self- management, translation, validation
Background: Poor self-management has been associated with uncontrolled blood pressure in hypertensive patients. A valid instrument is needed to assess the self-management of hypertensive patients, especially to measure self-management changes after health workers’ intervention. Objective: To examine the psychometric properties Persian Hypertension Self-Management Questionnaire among patients with hypertension in Indonesia. Methods: Data collection was carried out cross-sectionally using convenience sampling; obtained 407 hypertensive patients in ten primary health centers in South Sumatra Province. The translation of the questionnaire has been carried out by applying forward-backward methods. The Face validity test based on respondents’ responses to each question item was evaluated descriptively. We evaluated content validity by an expert with qualitative and quantitative; known group validity was analyzed using chi-square. Internal consistency reliability test using Cronbach alpha and test-retest reliability using Pearson correlation test or Pearson Spearman rank correlation. Results: Content validity by the expert shows sentence improvement, and CVI value = 1.00. Face validity shows that respondents can understand well to the questionnaire, and the known group validity was considered very good, as indicated by a significant relationship between the level of self-management and blood pressure control (p <0.001). The reliability assessment on internal consistency was 0.823 with a range of values for each domain, namely 0.710 - 0.823, and Test-retest reliability of 0.707 (p <0.001) with values ranging from 0.600 - 0.906. Conclusions: The Persian Hypertension Self-Management Questionnaire has been translated into the Indonesian version and has satisfactory validity and reliability for assessing self-management in hypertensive patients in Indonesia.
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