Prevalence and associated risk factors of self-medication with over-the-counter medicines among university students in the United Arab Emirates

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Non-prescription drugs, Self-medication, Medical students, United Arab Emirates


Background: Proper self-medication with Over the Counter (OTC) medicines can benefit both the patient and the healthcare sector. Although OTC medications are considered relatively safe, their improper use can lead to serious health risks and implications. This study investigates the self-medication practices with OTC medicines among medical and non-medical students at different universities in the United Arab Emirates. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out over six months (January-June 2021). The desired confidence level was set at 95%, and the precision level was 0.03. A three-step cluster sample method was employed. A self-administered questionnaire that assessed predisposing, enabling and need factors associated with the use of OTC medicines was developed based on Andersen’s behavioural model. Results: A total of 2355 students completed the study questionnaire. The mean age was 20.94, and 76.3% were female. More than half of the participating students (57.5%) reported using OTC medicines during the past 90 days of conducting the study. A good proportion (67.8%) reported performing a high level of self-care. Student’s perceived health (p<0.0001), educational background (p=0.003), use of left-over drugs (p=0.002), relies on informal sources for drug information (p=0.0001) and reading drugs information leaflets (p<0.0001) were all significantly associated with whether students sought medical advice or not. Conclusion: Many university students were observed that they never sought pharmacist advice when taking OTC medications. The likelihood of consulting a pharmacist when using an OTC medication was lower among medical students than non-medical students and among those who do not read the drug information leaflets. The proactive role that a pharmacist can play can have paramount importance in promoting the proper and safe use of OTC drugs.

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