Analysis of the clinical practice of the pharmacist in a community pharmacy: A Cross-sectional Study from Brazil
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Pharmaceutical care, Pharmaceutical services, Community pharmacies, Pharmaceutical.
Background: The pharmaceutical profession has experienced renewals over time. In community pharmacies, pharmaceutical services contribute to the public health system in Brazil. The development of these tasks, in collaboration with professionals from the multidisciplinary team, demonstrates the involvement with the well-being, health and improvement of the patient’s life. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the professional practice of pharmacists, their understandings and attitudes towards clinical practice in community pharmacies in northern Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study, based on a questionnaire carried out with pharmacists for seven months in the municipality of Belém, in the state of Pará. Data were expressed using descriptive statistics and the results were shown as a percentage. Results: 182 pharmacists participated. Females were predominant (80.2%) and the average age of participants was 34.2 years. 77.4% graduated from private institutions and 59.3% already have a specialization. 38.4% hold the position of technical director. 50.5% of respondents say that community pharmacies have a reserved place for service. The most used clinical services were pharmacotherapy review (89.5%), health education (60.9%), dispensing (34%), therapeutic monitoring (25.8%) and pharmacotherapeutic follow-up (4.9%). In the study, it was realized that community pharmacies should not be seen as a commercial place but rather as a health care facility. Conclusions: Therefore, these establishments must adapt at a structural and professional level, to meet an increasingly growing demand of a population in need of services offered with quality health care.
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