Prevention of coronavirus contamination from the environment using an air-cleaning closed system drug-transfer device

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Maya Amichay
Ortal Shimon
Eitan Raveh


COVID-19, Drug preparation, Viral contamination


Background: Closed system drug-transfer devices (CSTD) allow the reconstitution of hazardous drugs into infusion bags, while preserving the sterility of the product and preventing the escape of liquids and aerosols into the environment. Air-cleaning technology CSTD is based on an activated carbon filter and a membrane which enable maintaining the drug sterile by filtration of air entering the vial during pressure equalization. Objective: The study aimed to investigate if an air-cleaning CSTD can prevent liquid viral contamination by human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43). Methods: ChemfortTM CSTD with (intact) or without (control) a Toxi-Guard system was used to transfer liquids between an IV bag and an empty vial (a total of 5 liquid transfers) inside a sealed glove box contaminated by HCoV-OC43 aerosols. In addition, the vial adaptor was challenged by direct spray of HCoV-OC43 solution on the septum and filter areas. HCoV-OC43 RNA was extracted from samples of the transferred liquid and compared between the devices with or without a Toxi-Guard system. Results: Use of a CSTD with the Toxi-Guard system resulted in non-detectable cycle threshold (CT) values, indicative of no detectable HCoV-OC43RNA in the transferred liquid, even when the septa and filter areas were directly sprayed with HCoV-OC43 stock solution. In contrast, use of the CSTD with no Toxi-Guard system resulted in a detectable CT value of the transferred liquid. Conclusions: Using Chemfort CSTD with integral Toxi-Guard technology can prevent the introduction of microbial and airborne contaminants into the fluid path, thus potentially protecting patients from infection.

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